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Study in Canada Scholarships for International Students 2025-2026
Thursday, February 13, 2025

Study in Canada Scholarships for International Students 2025-2026

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  • Français
 LEVEL : Short Course, Undergraduate, Masters, PhD, Research
 TYPE :Training
 FUNDING : Fully Funded
 OPEN TO : Specific countries
 PLACE : Canada
STATUS : 33 Days left

The Study in Canada Scholarships Program for International Students is now open for application. The Study in Canada Scholarship is a program designed to support international students in obtaining a high-quality education in Canada. This scholarship is intended to help students from around the world overcome the financial barriers that may prevent them from studying in Canada. The scholarship program will provide short-term exchange opportunities for study or research in Canadian post-secondary institutions at the college, undergraduate, and graduate levels.

The scholarship is awarded to students based on academic merit, financial need, and other factors. The Study in Canada scholarship program is facilitated through institutional collaborations and student exchange agreements between post-secondary institutions in Canada and eligible countries/territories. Candidates must be registered as full-time students at their home institution at the time of application and during the entire duration of their study or research stay in Canada.

One of the main benefits of studying in Canada is the opportunity to receive a world-class education from some of the top universities and colleges in the world. Canadian universities and colleges have a reputation for excellence and innovation in research and teaching. Additionally, Canada is a multicultural and diverse country, which allows international students to gain a unique perspective and experience while studying there. With a diverse population and a welcoming attitude, Canada offers a safe and comfortable environment for students from all over the world.

Another important benefit of the Study in Canada Scholarship is that it provides financial assistance to cover tuition and other expenses. This scholarship can help students to offset the costs associated with studying in Canada, such as tuition fees, accommodation, and other living expenses. With the help of this scholarship, students can focus on their studies and take advantage of the many opportunities available to them in Canada, such as internships, co-op programs, and research opportunities. Furthermore, Graduates from Canadian universities have the great benefit of getting a Work permit for a certain period after their graduation. This provides a valuable opportunity for them to gain work experience in their field of study and enhance their employability.

Program Details

  • Host Institutions: Colleges, technical/vocational institutes and universities in Canada.
  • Eligible Program: The Study in Canada Scholarships program is open for all disciplines in Canadian institutions.
  • Number of Awards: Not specified
  • Duration: Up to six months.
  • Eligible countries: The scholarship is open for citizens of the following countries: Algeria, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kenya, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Taiwan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Türkiye, Uganda, Ukraine.

Study in Canada Scholarships Benefits

The scholarship value varies depending on the duration of the study. The scholarship values are:

  • Up to CAD 10,200 for college, Undergraduate students for a minimum of four months or one academic term of study or research; or
  • Up to CAD 10,200 for Master’s and PhD students for a minimum of four months or one academic term of Study or research at the graduate level.
  • Up to CAD 12,700 for Master’s and PhD students for a period of five to six months of study or research.

The scholarship will be used for the following eligible expenses

  1. visa and/or study/work permit fees;
  2. airfare, for the scholarship recipient only, to travel to Canada by the most direct and economical route and return airfare upon completion of the scholarship;
  3. health insurance;
  4. living expenses, such as accommodation, utilities, and food;
  5. ground transportation expenses, including a public transportation pass; and
  6. books and supplies required for the recipient’s study or research, excluding computers and other equipment.

Study in Canada Scholarships Program Eligibility

To apply for this government scholarship program to study in Canada, candidates must:

  • be citizens of one of the eligible countries;
  • not hold Canadian citizenship and must not have applied for permanent residency in Canada;
  • be enrolled as a full-time student at a post-secondary institution in an eligible country/territory and paying tuition fees to that institution at the time of application and for the full duration of the exchange.;
  • not already enrolled in a degree, diploma, or certificate program at a Canadian post-secondary institution;
  • not already be participating in a scholarship program funded by the Government of Canada.

Similar opportunities

  1. Top 10 Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students;
  2. Top 12 scholarships to study in Canada;
  3. Taiwan Government Scholarship.

How to Apply for Study in Canada Scholarships

Eligible applicants who wish to apply for this scholarship to study in North America should contact their home institution to:

  1. find out if there is an existing institutional collaboration or exchange agreement between their home institution and a Canadian institution;
  2. request information from their home institution about the application process and selection criteria specific to the Canadian partner institution; and
  3. ensure they meet the eligibility requirements.

Home institutions are responsible for identifying strong academic candidates who meet the admission requirements of the Canadian partner institution and for providing the candidates’ documents to the Canadian partner institution. Canadian institutions must apply on behalf of the candidate(s) by submitting the online application form and uploading all supporting documents prior to the deadline. Candidates cannot apply directly for this scholarship program.

NB : Candidates cannot apply directly for this scholarship program. The application must be submitted by the host Canadian institution.

Scholarship recipients must begin their studies or research between August 1, 2025 and February 1, 2026. Please send all inquiries to: [email protected].

The deadline for Canadian institutions to submit online applications on behalf of candidates is . For more details on the Study in Canada Scholarships Program for International Students, please visit the official page. To be the first to see latest opportunities, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

Official page  

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  3. Salut chers administrateurs,
    je me nomme diomande fatima je suis en classe de terminale D j’aimerais obtenir cette bourse afin de poursuivre mes études au Canada en tant qu’hôtesse de l’air .
    J’espere de tout cœur faire partie des chanceux élus . merci pour votre compréhension

  4. Bonjour… S’il vous plaît je suis un jeune diplômé en ingénierie pétrolière et gazière au Cameroun et j’aimerais savoir si je pourrais être éligible à la bourse dans votre pays. Mon rêve est de travailler au Canada dans ce secteur.

  5. Hello my name is Toluwalope Aduroja. I’m from Nigeria and I had my Higher National Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology(Chemistry), I graduated with distinction and as the best graduating student in my department from my home country, I will love to study in Canada.
    I will be honored if I’m considered for this great opportunity.


  6. I’m SELLA T. FAYIAH, JR. From Liberia. I apply for Canada Scholarship last week Monday the 4, of December. But I’m getting to understand that Canada had closed since March 21, 2023. Why?

  7. Good Day,

    My name is Dada Oyeshile, I’m a Nigerian. I was researching the scholarship program I can apply for as a student of a prestigious institution in Nigeria (University of Lagos). I have a degree in business administration with a second-class lower (cgpa 2.78). I will love to know more about the scholarship program in Canada with your guidance and assistance to get enrolled in one of the institutions that offer scholarships to international students.

    Please help with your recommendations and how to go about it…

    Best regards.

  8. Hi, my name is Abdulai Mohammed Fawzu. I am from Ghana and interested for this scholarship, I have completed college at E.P College of education Bimbilla(Ghana) 2017 and has not been able to further my education.I have always dream of studying in Canada but do not know how,I am sure Gud has shown me the way now and I cannot afford to loose this great opportunity.I would be very grateful if you could guide me on how to apply for this scholarship for my first degree program in Canada.

  9. Hi, my name is Manga Quindoline Ijang. I am from Cameroon and it is not among the Countries mentioned. I finished college last here but could not continue this year because things are really tight for my parents and they can not afford sending me to school. It has always been my dream to study in Canada someday and when I saw this scholarship program, I was very happy and when I went through it, I discovered that Cameroon was not mentioned. I was very broke and almost gave up on it but I remembered A wise person once told me that, Giving up is not an option and so I believe and pray God help me touch your heart’s so you help me make my dreams come through. Please I will very happy if I be one of those chosen for this program and I promise you will never regrate chosing and helping be. Please how do I begin ???

    1. I am from Bhutan.
      Am I eligible to apply for scholarship for degree in mechanical engineering since I already have diploma from my home country

  10. Hi, my name is Joyce Asante. I’m from Ghana and have my first degree. Please how do I begin application for masters program in Canada?

  11. Bonjour j’aimerais bien étudier dans votre pays je suis en licence 2 dans mon pays le bénin mais pourquoi le bénin ne participe tel par à votre partage de bourse or le Nigeria juste à côté peut ?
    Svp aidez nous autres à avoir cette chance merci bien

  12. Salut cher administrateur mon nom c’est TARNO Esso-Niname Samuel j’aimerai faire partie des élus chanceux qui seront sélection pour votre programme de BOURSE s’il vous plais votre me fera le plus grand bien

    Merci de votre compréhension

  13. My name is Goodluck Itua from Nigeria I have a diploma in business administration I am interested in studying in canada which happens to be my dream country, please how do I begin.

  14. I am a Ugandan National by the names Joshua Katagwa. I would love to do my university degree from your country. I have a diploma and a higher diploma in mechanical engineering from kyambogo university in my country. I will be greatful for your kind guidance and support.

    Thank you

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