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Catholic KAAD Scholarship for Christians, 2025-2026
Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Catholic KAAD Scholarship for Christians, 2025-2026

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  • Français
 LEVEL : Masters, PhD, Postdoctoral, Research
 FUNDING : Fully Funded
 OPEN TO : Specific Countries
 PLACE : Germany
STATUS: Ongoing

Applications for the Catholic KAAD Scholarship for Christians in Germany are open. The Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst (KAAD) scholarships aim to support Catholic Christians willing to study in Germany universities at Master or PhD degree levels. For the KAAD Africa department, there is an exception to this rule in that scholarships can be given for Master-studies in three African cities (like Kumasi/Ghana, Nairobi/Kenya, Harare/Zimbabwe, Addis Ababa/Ethiopia, etc.).

The German KAAD runs three main scholarship programs: the Scholarship Programme 1 (for candidates that apply from their home countries for studies in Germany), the Scholarship Programme 2 (for candidates that are already in Germany) and the Eastern European Program (for citizens of eastern European countries). The selection process is done twice a year (in March and in September). The KAAD scholarship application form is available online through the application button below.

Program Details

  • Host Institution: Universities in Germany. For the KAAD Africa department, there is an exception to this rule in that scholarships can be given for Master’s studies in three African cities (Kumasi/Ghana, Nairobi/Kenya, Harare/Zimbabwe and Addis Ababa/Ethiopia).
  • Field of Study: There is no specific subject-preference. However, selection boards have often given preference to courses and subjects that they felt to be of significance for the home country of the applicant.
  • Number of awards: Not specified.
  • Duration: Candidate’s program duration.
  • Target group: Open to citizens of developing or emerging countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, or Latin America.

Catholic KAAD Scholarship for Christians Benefits

Selected applicants for the Catholic KAAD Germany Scholarship for Christians are helped by KAAD with their visa modalities, paid for the flights to Germany and back, and provided with language training in Germany before their studies. The program is fully sponsored and provides coverage for other necessary fees to let scholars focus on their studies and research.

KAAD Scholarship Programs in short

1. Scholarship Program 1: Empowering Global Scholars

This flagship initiative supports students and professionals through three tailored pathways:

  • Invitation Program: Designed for postgraduate scholars and professionals from focus countries, this program invites candidates to Germany for advanced studies or research opportunities. Ideal for those aiming to deepen their expertise through international exposure.
  • In-Country Master’s Studies: Study closer to home! KAAD funds Master’s programs at 15 partner institutions across 8 countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Peru, and Zimbabwe. Perfect for students seeking quality education without leaving their region.
  • Third-Country Scholarships: Can’t study in your home country? KAAD offers Master’s scholarships in third countries like Thailand (for Myanmar students) or Lebanon/Jordan (for Syrian refugees). Flexibility for those facing political or regional barriers.

2. Scholarship Program 2: Supporting Scholars Already in Germany

Tailored for students from the Global South who are already pursuing a Master’s or PhD in Germany. Key features:

  • Catholic University Chaplaincies nominate candidates, ensuring alignment with program values.
  • Financial and academic support to help scholars thrive in their ongoing studies.

3. Eastern Europe Program: Bridging Academic Networks

Focused on fostering collaboration with Eastern Europe, this program offers:

  • Funding for PhD and Master’s studies in Germany.
  • Short-term research or study stays for scholars from the region.
  • Partnerships with local committees to identify and support high-potential candidates.

Catholic KAAD Scholarship for Christians Eligibility

To apply for the Catholic KAAD Scholarship for Christians, candidates need to satisfy the following criteria:

S1 & S2 Scholarship Program Applicants

  • come from and currently reside in a developing or emerging country in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe or Latin America
  • have a university degree and professional experience in your home country and currently living there (S1 applicants only)
  • are already studying in Germany and have at least 10 months of study remaining (S2 applicants only)
  • would like to pursue a Master’s degree, a Ph.D. or other postgraduate studies, or are planning a post-doc or a research stay (2-6 months for academics) at a German university
  • are of Catholic denomination (or generally belong to a Christian denomination, especially for applicants from the Near and Middle East). Applicants of another religion can be funded if they are proposed by Catholic partners in view of a documentable willingness to engage in interreligious dialogue.
  • have German language skills prior to entry (KAAD can provide for a German language course of max. 6 months in Germany).

Eastern Europe Program Applicants

  • Postgraduates with a Bachelor’s degree who wish to pursue a Master’s degree at a German university (max. 24 months). Tuition fees for fee-based Master’s degree programs can be funded in justified exceptional cases.
  • Young academics who are working towards a PhD degree in Germany (max. 36 months)
  • Young academics who are working on a doctorate or habilitation in their home country and are planning a research stay in Germany (up to 12 months)
  • Postgraduates who are planning a research stay or a deepening of existing scientific knowledge in Germany after having completed their examination in their home country or who are planning a non-consecutive postgraduate or supplementary course of study (this also applies to further training for licensed medical practitioners).
  • University teachers who are planning a research stay (up to 6 months) in Germany.
  • Students in Master’s programs in their home country who are planning a study visit (up to 6 months) to collect material at a university in Germany.
  • Scholarships are awarded for all disciplines (with the exception of theological courses, for this please contact Renovabis).

What does KAAD expect from its scholars?

  1. To be part of the activities of the Catholic chaplaincy at the place of their studies;
  2. To participate in the educational program of KAAD (seminars, annual meeting);
  3. To return to their home country (or to another developing country) after finishing their studies in Germany, and so to make their knowledge fruitful for their home societies;
  4. join the KAAD-alumni-groups that exist in different countries and therefore continuously join forces with their scholarship organization and with their fellow alumni. Through these associations of scholars and alumni, the KAAD ‘family’ lives on.

Similar Opportunities

  1. Islamic Development Bank Scholarship for all Levels;
  2. Friedrich Naumann Foundation Scholarships for Master and PhD.

How to Apply for the Catholic KAAD Scholarship for Christians

Interested applicants who would like to apply for this Europe scholarship program must click on the apply button, choose the desired scholarship program and click on the application link on the program’s page. Fill in all the required information. In the course of the application process, candidates will be asked to provide additional documents.

The KAAD scholarship deadline per program. Please visit each program’s page for more info on deadlines. For more details on the Catholic KAAD Scholarship for Christians, please visit the official page. To be the first to see latest opportunities, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

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  1. I am Francis Mendy, from the Gambia i completed my Technician Deloma in Automatic engineering , and looking for scholarship to full fill my dreams.

  2. Please i am from Nigeria , Is there any hope for me in getting the schorlaship, have already applied.

  3. I am From India, currently studying in the first semester of my Master’s degree in Germany. I am catholic. Am I eligible to apply for KAAD and Is there any chance to get a KAAD scholarship? What are the criteria for getting this scholarship?

  4. Hello, I am from Ethiopia with an Ms.C in Applied mathematics and currently working at Wollega university with the Department of Mathematics in my country. I would like to pursue my Ph.D in the mathematics related areas to research .

  5. I am Fr.JohnBosco Happy from the Catholic Diocese of Fort portal, Uganda. I am currently persuing Masters in Educational leadership and Policy studies at Mountains of the Moon university in Uganda. I will finish up this program next year in July 2021. I teach in a secondary school and college that trains teachers for primary teaching, as I attend lectures on weekends. Given the education needs of the Diocese and of the christian community at large, I intend to continue with Doctorate in education. I therefore kindly request for a fully funded scholarship from KAAD to study for doctorate in Germany. Thanks.

  6. Hello I am planning to apply to both KAAD and a German University but both KAAD and the University start in March, Is it possible to skip the German lessons at KAAD? Does KAAD accept admissions letters even if the University starts in the same month?

  7. please I hold a Bachelor degree in Population and Health, from Ghana but above 30 years and i want to study Msc Social work
    can i still apply?

  8. Am a nigerian ,A First degree holder wants to study masters in your beautiful country.Am i eligible

  9. Hi, I am a Masters Student in Zimbabwe. Is the scholarship still open for Zimbabwean Institutions? Please help

  10. Hello, Many thanks for the opportunity to pursue Masters’ degree and PHD .
    Why is Sierra Leone not mentioned under the Africa Colon for this opportunity?

  11. Hello! I’m a Christian, but a protestant, not a Catholic, and I already started my first semester. Am I allowed to participate in this scholarship?

  12. Please sir, I would want to apply but would want to know whether I’m late or not. I offered BA Sociology and Religions. I’m a Ghanaian. Thank you sir.

  13. Please, is Kaad awarded in all the universities in Germany? I need schools that offer education courses. Thank you

  14. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I hold a Bachelor of Public Administration. And I want to do a master program in education. Can I apply? Thank you.

  15. Hello, I am from The Gambia with an Ms.C in Food Science Technology and currently working with the Department of Agriculture in my country. I would like to pursue my Ph.D in the food related areas to research about food related issues, health and nutrition. I would be very greatful and honoured if offered an opportunity to study in your noble institution.

    Thanks in advance.

  16. Hello, I am in Sierra Leone West African and I will be graduating with a BSc in Accounting and Finance on 22 February 2020 at the University of Makeni Sierra Leone. Will i be qualified to apply for the scholarship.

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