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CSC Scholarship Application Tips and Tricks, 2025-2026
Friday, March 07, 2025

CSC Scholarship Application Tips and Tricks, 2025-2026

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  • Français
 LEVEL : Short Course, Undergraduate, Masters, PhD, Postdoctoral, Research
 TYPE :Training
 FUNDING : Partially Funded, Fully Funded
 OPEN TO : All
 PLACE : China
STATUS: Ongoing

Nowadays, the Chinese government is one of the world’s top scholarship providers for foreign students. The so-called CSC Scholarships or commonly the “Chinese Government Scholarship” (CGS) are awarded to international students by the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) to undertake studies in eligible Chinese universities or partner institutions. This scholarship program is available for all kinds of study programs, including, but not limited to, short courses, training, undergraduate, Master’s, and PhD degree studies.

As Greatyop is a large platform that publishes available scholarships and opportunities in the world, it contains many Chinese scholarship programs. CSC scholarships are usually open from November to April and applications are made through an online application system. However, most of our readers get confused with certain concepts when applying for a scholarship. Therefore, we provide CSC Scholarship Application Tips and Tricks to help our users who are interested in Chinese scholarships. Commonly received messages from our users are as follows:

  1. What are my chances to get a Chinese scholarship?
  2. Can I apply for the CSC scholarship in more than one university?
  3. Which Program Category should I choose?
  4. How to write a Research Proposal or Study Plan?
  5. Can I apply while I’m in my final year?
  6. Where can I find Chinese universities that admit international students under CSC scholarship?
  7. Where can I find the list of Chinese universities that do not ask for application Fee?
  8. Where can I find Chinese universities’ agency number?
  9. Where can I find Chinese embassy agency numbers?

In order to enlighten our readers, we’ve decided to write this article that shows some tips and tricks on the CSC Scholarship Application. The application process needs to be done properly otherwise it may result in an invalid application. The Chinese Government Scholarship (CGS) has the following programs:

  • Bilateral Program: a result of exchange agreements between the Chinese government and governments of other countries, institutions, universities or international organizations;
  • Chinese University Program: A program that allows eligible universities to recruit foreign students for graduate studies in China;
  • Great Wall Program: a scholarship by UNESCO to support students and scholars from developing countries to study and conduct research work in China.
  • EU Program: a program for EU students to study and research in China.
  • AUN Program: this program is for the ASEAN University Network (AUN) to support students, teachers and scholars from ASEAN countries to study in China.
  • PIF Program: a scholarship to sponsor students from Pacific island countries to study in China.
  • WMO Program: a program for the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to support foreign students to study and conduct research in meteorology-related fields in China.

What are my chances to get a Chinese scholarship?

As any scholarship, the first key element is your academic Achievements. You have higher chances to be selected for the scholarship if you have a good Grade Point Average (GPA) and provide a great study plan along with published articles (if available). Although the acceptance letter from a supervisor or a pre-admission letter is not a requirement to apply for the CSC scholarship, we believe it may increase your chances.

Last tip, you may consider applying to universities located in different cities, especially those located in small cities. In fact, the number of applications in big cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan, Guangzhou, etc. is very high compared to small cities. Just imagine that you applied to a university that has 30 scholarships available and only received 20 applications. The answer is obvious.

Can I apply for the CSC scholarship in more than one university?

The answer is yes and it increases your chances of winning the Scholarship. You can apply for the CSC scholarships in more than one university. However, you will have to fill out different CSC Scholarship online application forms for each university or institution. If you apply successfully and have been selected by more than one University, the CSC will select the one that suits you best and you will be admitted under the CSC Scholarship in that specific University.

Which Program Category should I choose?

While filling out the CSC scholarship, you will be required to choose a category. There are three types of program categories: Type A, Type B, and Type C.

  • Select Program Category Type A, if you’re applying through a Chinese Embassy or Ministry of Education (MOE) of your country (Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program);
  • Select Program Category Type B, if you’re applying through a Chinese University (Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program);
  • Select Program Category Type C, if you’re applying through other programs.

How to write a Research Proposal or Study Plan?

A Study Plan or Research Proposal is a document that provides important information about your future studies in China. The document must contain a minimum of 200 words for the undergraduate program applicants and 800 words for postgraduate program applicants. Moreover, it must include key elements such as:

  • Your field of interest;
  • Why that particular field?
  • What will be your contribution to the field?
  • The reason to study in China under the CSC scholarship;
  • The reason to choose a particular university;
  • Your plans after graduation and
  • Relevant information that sets you apart from other candidates.

The study plan is a key document that will increase or decrease your chances of winning. This is more applicable to candidates who are applying for graduate studies or senior scholar programs. Therefore, you must take your time to write it properly.

Can I apply while I’m in my final year of graduation?

The answer is yes. A prospective diploma recipient must submit official documents issued by his institution to prove his current student status and expected graduation date. However, the applicant has to get his / her grade before arriving in China (August-September) in order to be able to register at his / her university. We suggest you contact the international student’s office of the university and ask them about this matter as some institutions may not allow it.

Where can I find Chinese universities eligible for CSC scholarships, Chinese universities’ agency number and Chinese Universities without Application Fees?

The complete and up-to-date list of Chinese universities that admit international students under the CSC scholarship with their corresponding agency number is available here. Universities are grouped by regions, and provinces and listed in alphabetical order. Furthermore, the tables contain the list of Chinese Universities without Application Fees. In fact, any university name followed by this symbol is a university that admits international students without application fees.

Chinese embassy agency number

Although there are resources online showing some Chinese embassy agency numbers, we believe the best way is to visit the embassy and ask them directly. Anyway, candidates will need to submit their documents if applying for a type A program through the dispatching authority in their country. Therefore, visiting them may be like first contact, and they can give you information on specific requirements (if any) that students may need to meet in order to apply through them. So, Greatyop’s recommendation to get a Chinese embassy agency number is to ask the dispatching authority or the Chinese embassy you’re planning to apply through.

We hope the information provided in this article (CSC Scholarship Application Tips and Tricks) is useful and helpful for our readers to gain more insight into the concepts and application procedures of the Chinese Government Scholarship. General CSC Scholarship application procedure with the required documents are available here. For more details on studies in China, please visit the Campus China website. Wish you all the best. To be the first to see latest opportunities, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

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  1. hi i am applying to china government scholarship,just i want to know if i am candidate to apply for masters if i am exactly 35 yrs on June ,since application time is from December

  2. Hello, thank you for the information. Please when is the deadline for CSC application?
    I have just filled my form and submitted but it’s not showing ‘submitted’ like the first application I made, which got me thinking if it’s closed for the year

  3. Hi, I have applied to a university directly online and received a pre admission letter. Do I need to sign another form for CSC or I will be automatically considered for a scholarship?

  4. Hi, I´m applying for a Bachelor degree and I´m not sure what should I put on “Duration of Major Study”. Should be the four year that my bachelor going to take? or is something else? I am confused because ask for specific dates.

  5. Hi, I have applied csc type A scholarship, do I need to apply separately in preferred universities. Secondly, do I need to download type A application to send it in hard form? If yes then where ?

  6. Hi everyone!

    How did you manage to submit several applications? Do I have to create 3 different CSC accounts with 3 different e-mail address or do I have to make all those applications under the same account?

    The last alternative sounds more realist to me, but it seems that after submitting my first applications, the only thing I can do is to view it… no possibility to start a second application.

    Any clues? 🙂

  7. sir i have been nominated for csc scholarship ,and now they are asking to send CSC NO. ,but i don’t know what it is ? how to find it?

  8. Hi!

    I would like to apply to Master’s programs at Peking University and Tsinghua University. Can I apply to the same program and same university in both Category A (through Embassy) and Category B (through University) for the same year? Moreover, is the scholarship given the same amount (Tuition fees, living expenses, accommodation…) in Category A and B?

    Thank you very much for your time and your help!

  9. Hello!

    I am a Confucius Institute scholarship holder and I will finish my Master degree in this July. I am wondering:

    1) Am I eligible to apply for CSC scholarship this year to pursue the PhD program?
    2) I also intend to apply for CSC to pursue second Master degree in another major. Does it allow to apply?


  10. I have submitted 3 applications, but when I click on download only the application on the top is downloaded not the other 2.
    Kindly help me out

    1. you can find in your pdf file generated by CSC platform , please check your file again , your 3 applications generated in 1 file , you have to make it separate.


  11. Hello, I have a question. I want to apply for nondegree language program with CSC scholarship through embassy in my country. I can put 3 universities in the application, when the first one is the one i want to go mostly to. I´m gonna be specific so it is easier to understand. On first place I want to put Shanghai Jiaotong University – i don´t have pre-admission letter from them (because there is no time to get it now), but that is my top priority. The second i want to put Donghua University and I have pre-admission from them already.
    Do you think this is ok? Will they even consider Shanghai Jiaotong, if i have pre-admission letter from Donghua? Thanks for the answer! 🙂

    1. Honestly, we think you will be admitted to Donghua University. You may not include the pre-admission letter in your application. This is a risky move but will give equal consideration for chosen universities.

  12. Hi, I am applying with CSC scholarship. I want to ask, can I apply through both channels (through embassy and through university) at the same time, not for the same program? For example, I would apply for a non-degree program – chinese language through embassy. And for Master´s degree study I would apply through university. The thing is, I am open to both options, but I want to increase my chance to study in China next year, because embassy only has three spots this year.
    (Note: I can´t apply for non-degree language program with CSC through university, only through embassy. I would prefer to study just language (and then year after that apply for master´s in chinese), but if embassy won´t recommend me, I still want to have a chance to study in China – some master´s program in english)

    1. I just read on CSC official page this: “Council officials change the policy only in five universities by following 3 through CSC Scholarship category B and 2 through CSC Scholarship category A.”
      – this should be the answer for my question, right? So it should mean that i am able to apply via both channels at the same time.
      But then again do you think these can be the same programs, or should I do it the way I said previously: different channel – different study program/uni. ?


      1. You can apply for same or different programmes. Just be aware that you cannot hold more than one csc scholarship in a given year.

  13. Right now I am having csc Scholarship for my master degree and next year I will be graduated, can I apply for PHD program through csc Scholarships again

  14. Hello!

    I am from algeria, and i didn’t understand how to notarize my diplomas?! Should i translate theme before authentification and notarization or the opposite ?!

    I would like to have the complete steps of this process

    What i did was, authentification of original diplomas at My university Vice rector and then authentification by the ministry of superior education after that I legalized them at the ministry of foreign affairs. That’s all.

    Should I legalise them at the embassy of china, should I have legalized a translated format ????

    Please the deadline is close. Thank you

    1. No need to go to the embassy of china for document legalization.
      If your original diploma is in English, then you just need to make a copy and legalized it.
      If your original diploma is in other language than English and Chinese, then you need to translate it in English or Chinese and have it legalized.
      The translated and legalized document should be attached with a copy of the original document that have been translated.

  15. Dear Sir,

    after the submission of the application, will there be any receipt notification from CSC in my email? because i have not received any receipt notification yet.

  16. Can I apply for the CSC scholarship in more than one university?

    Do I have to create a different account with a different email in order to apply for another university?

  17. When you have completed the application, I notice it gives a download application option. Who do I post the application to?

  18. I am interested in studying Mandarin Chinese for 1 year in a non-degree program. Should I apply for the University or Bilateral program? I’m having trouble finding contact details for the dispatching authorities in the US. I’m from the west coast of that’s relevant?

    Thanks in advance for any info!

    1. If you chose to apply for the University, you just need to find a university (https://greatyop.com/regions/china/) where a scholarship is open, read the conditions and follow instructions to apply. You will need to send your files directly to that university. If you chose bilateral program, you need to submit your application to the dispatching authority of your country. Please contact the Chinese embassy to have dispatching authorities contact details and details information on types of scholarships that are available for US citizens. Thanks

  19. i hear the we can apply only to 5 universities. 3 on type B and 2 on Type 2. Does it true. what is about 2020, to how many universities we will apply to.

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